"Blut and Boden", smashing fiat currency worship, filthy fucking rich, and yuppies revisited
One of the most twisted propaganda of the Nazis was the concept of "Blut and Boden" detailed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_and_Soil
Blood and Soil (German: Blut und Boden) refers to an ideology that
focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent blood (of a folk) and
territory. It celebrates the relationship of a people to the land they occupy, live on and cultivate. And it places a high value on the virtues of rural
However with every twisted propaganda campaign there is always an
element of truth. Celebrating the relationship of a people to the
land they occupy and cultivate, and and placing a high value on the
virtues of rural living is Extremely praisEworthy!
Here's a copy of a video of Sepp Holzer's permaculture vision:
true "Blut und Boden" geht es nicht um Nazis / true "blood and soil" is not about nazis
Instead of zealously applying the concept of "Blut an Boden" to some
kind of racial or ethnic superiority and hatred towards others because
of their (race, ethnicity and non-heterosexuality), how about apply that
contempt and disgust to the true pathology of yuppy and filthy fucking
rich culture by refining the meanings of that word and phrase:
Exponential altruism https://exponentialaltruism.wordpress.com/
is based on the premise that no one ever knows when the filthy fucking
rich and yup-ies will have a change of heart peacefully and
SpiralCosmosArt desires the the complete stigmatization, quarantine, ostracism and
eventual annihilation of all filthy fucking rich and yup-y culture epidemic off the face
of the earth given the proper acronym of yup-y being either
Proper acronym for the word yuppy.
y outh u ndermined by/into p lastic p arasites
" y outh u rbanized by/into p lastic p arasites
" y outh u surped by/into p lastic p arasites
In this context yuppy is not simply someone who is "young urban professional" as in a white collared affluent, young and ambitious, but someone infected with a spiritually diseased hatred of everything rural beautiful, verdant and natural who could very well be a senior citizen over 65 years or more. The worst yuppy is a complete hater of youth and everything sacred about a world with
everyone naturally healthy athletic human beings in nature, and would rather be an android if he could, and could very well be between 15 and 30 years old.
A yuppy in this context is brainwashed and programmed into a willful preference and pursuit of perverse disgusting sterile plastic materialism, and
the artificial over the beautiful natural wholesome verdure of the earth which is very very generous and
True youth health and vitality is a beautiful organic biodiverse permaculture planet with ancient old
growth forests and meticulously well maintained orchards, with such forests and orchards eventually
being one and the same, with diverse and complete sustainable and renewable natural food and other
products fit for human health! Youthful human health is not a cluster fuck of crowded cities asphalt
and concrete!
And as for the proper context of:
" filthy fucking rich" = wealthy people who parasite and whose entire existence is
"Schadenfreude" and sustained from others' suffering far more than other's health,
especially to their own species. Categorizing someone as filthy fucking rich has
nothing to do about whether or not they are "the 1%" as defined by the occupy
movement or whether or not they drive a luxury car, own a mansion, flaunt opulent
affluent vanities, decorations, jewelry or ornaments, but whether or not they are
categorically parasites with extreme wealth who do nothing altruistic, especially
willfully nothing altruistic.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
better money
Artwork alone has no direct left-brain survival value. Artwork can never be adequately
described beyond subjective aesthetic value. Artwork cannot be eaten and cannot be
lived in like a house, and isn't exactly "basic human needs" in the lower chakra survival
sense. Artwork is often simply only subjective decor and ornaments. It is extremely
practical that art is offered for those who collect such decor, ornaments, and subjective
material objects to add something to their collections that symbolize a change of heart
for altruism, because alone the artwork is meaningless.
If this exponential altruism manifesto https://exponentialaltruism.wordpress.com/
means absolutely nothing to the filthy fucking rich
and yuppies of my lifetime who will be filthy fucking rich and yupy until their grave,
then its only a matter of time before some other artist feels sees the purity of motive
encouraging the filthy fucking rich to have a change of heart through communications
skills that are more clever than mine sometime in the future. His/Her Story WILL ABSOLVE ME!